My stories

Trevor Perry
2 min readNov 8, 2023

I was born in the town of Red Cliffs in Victoria, Australia. My parents were living on a vineyard that was a perk of my dad’s job. Before I was two years old, my parents moved us into the main town of Mildura and we lived there for a couple of years.

The next move was to Dareton, across the border in New South Wales. We lived on a 26 acre vineyard, where the primary crop was sultana grapes — these are dried to make raisins.

Dareton was where I attended kindergarten and six years of primary school. In my memories, it was a major part of my experiences and contributes so much to who I am today. My dad started an engineering business on the property, and after several years, he moved it closer to Mildura into Buronga. My parents also built a house very close to the business property, and I lived with them there for my last four years of high school — which was across the border in Mildura.

From there, my story has two colleges, several jobs, many towns and lots of travel. From Bendigo to Melbourne to Chicago to Fort Worth (and Austin) to East Norwich (on Long Island) and back to Austin.

In 2019, I was selected to stand on stage at The Moth in Brooklyn, NY and tell a personal story. When I moved to Austin not long after that, I found several storytelling venues and started writing and telling more of my personal stories. To date, I have storytold in Austin at The Ground Floor Theater, Testify, Hyde Park Storytelling, Stories on the Lawn, and our local NSA Austin chapter.

Medium offers a forum to tell stories, and rather than re-tell and re-post my social media posts, I will leverage Medium as a means to offer personal stories from all parts of my life. Your feedback is always welcome.

